
Families and professionals involved in the setting often comment on CHC...

The team

"Your ethos offers professional love, safety and security for all of those connected to CHC. Seeing your team out of the setting, they look and behave in a polite and professional manner, you must be very proud."

Learning and development

“You identify the childs individuality and characters, and nurture it; drawing the best you can from them in their own way without them even realising they are learning”


"I always feel welcomed, like my day and my life matters. This is the only place I cry! You just make me feel safe. Sometimes life throws you curveballs, you just seem to support me without question. Thank you."

The Setting

"It has that home from home warmth, we love it here. We want to stay and play! and the dinners... How do you get them to eat things here that they wouldn't touch at home? I've had to start telling them its the CHC recipe!"

In June 2023, sadly we achieved an inadequate. You can read the previous report below. It was given to us during the management meeting with the inspector. Up until that point we had achieved a good. We got awarded the inadequate due to a decision I made, we had had a safeguarding situation unfold in the two weeks before, my failure was not calling the safeguarding team for advice. I acted using my extensive Childcare experience, to make an effort to get further observations and monitor the situation. Unfortunately because I had not made that call, the inspector deemed me inadequate. I made the call there and then, to be told by the safeguarding team to monitor the situation. We were still denied a good. Safeguarding is an overarching grading descriptor. As you will see from our newest inspection, we absolutely smashed it. The inspection was unannounced, this is normal practice following an inadequate judgement.

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