CHC SEND local offer

"The purpose of the local offer is to improve choice for families by providing information about services available for young children who have special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND).
All Early Years settings in Essex are expected to identify and support children with special educational needs to make the best possible progress. Early Years settings are supported to be as inclusive as possible by the LA so that the needs of young children with SEND are met."

This is meant to be childminders, preschools, nurseries, any registered childcare providers.


We maintain high levels of training in order to make sure we can identify any extra needs displayed by our little people. We encourage a very close and friendly relationship with parents and carers so should there be any worries or concerns about the child's needs they know they can discuss them with us. We have a very experienced team who will be able to work together to support the child and the family.

We offer to have close working partnerships with other professionals in order to provide the correct support for children with SEND.

We currently have children on role with English as an additional language, speech, language and communication needs and sensory needs as well. We support these by working together as a team with families to identify the best ways to work with the child. We purchase extra, quality resources, we make referrals to the necessary professionals and we create action plans so each member of staff is working in unison. This provides consistency for the child. Any child with SEND needs consistency. Any child needs consistency. We make sure activities we offer can be accessed by any age or stage of development, supporting everyones needs individually.

We have a robust risk assessments in place to cover the home, garden, pets, trips and anything else that may need risk assessing.

We have had a ramp installed from the garage into the parents waiting area to create access for wheelchairs should it be necessary.

We offer settling in sessions to all children.

All resources are arranged safely and within reach for self selection by the little people. we have clearly labelled the boxes so children find it easy to self select items that interest them. We have a storage area in the summerhouse where more resources are kept in order to outage the ones in the playroom and keep the children interested.

Our team consists of a wealth of knowledge and experiences.

The first point for contact for SEND at CHC is Kayleigh Beard. If she doesn't have the answer she will have the resources and contacts to find it.

Essex Local offer

We also work in conjunction and support the essex local offer. You can find ut further information here, from the Essex local offer website.

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